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LPR (license plate recognition)


License plate recognition technology (Visisys LPR) allows to process in real time capturing license plates on a up to 120MPH in multiple lines, process them for license plate recognition, compare to the database in accordance to designated database (“stolen”, “in search”, “suspicious”, diplomats, government, law enforcement, special purpose) and create a chain of commands based on recognized plates like:

  • Synchronize with access control, toll gates, fire alarm or drive through systems
  • Integrated with POS and ATM systems
  • Face capture and recogntion
  • Traffic light integration
  • Speed radar, weight scale integration
  • Ticket in/ticket out system
  • Acoustic, infrared and smell smart detectors
  • RFCE integration
  • E-mail with license plate image or short video
  • SMS to mobile phone
  • Images on mobile phone (PDA)
  • Call designated numbers
  • Share image or video with appropriate designated personnel

The system can be installed on fixed polls (tourniquets, toll both) or can work on mobile units (law enforcement, police, military, special purpose). All images are fully integrated into one network and allow sharing captured license plates into one network and database. The platform provide scalable redundant fully networked security infrastructure (no special cameras required). In addition system can be integrated with traffic lights, toll booth control, weight scales, loop alarms, card readers and allows to build traffic efficiency system and traffic control systems.