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Face (Facial capture and recognition)

Face Capture and Recognition

Visisys Face Capture and Recognition (ViFace) is a biometric component of an integrated physical security solution. ViFace proven technology can automatically create user databases for special clients with unique requirements.

ViFace matches (500,000 matches/second/computer) real-time captured faces (multiple images per person) to private and imported databases.

ViFace enables the system to separate or combine Face Capture and Face Recognition on one scalable network.

ViFace’s ability to separate Face Capture (with high levels of compression) from Face Recognition leads to cost reductions. ViFace management of multiple locations with CCTV and/or IP cameras connected via low bandwidth connections further adds to cost reduction. End users can build their own local or hosted face databases and integrate them with open-architecture, batch-entered, third-party databases such as the FBI’s, Interpol’s or  state and local sex offender lists.