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* Pflichtfeld


Although this glossary is not a complete guide to all of the terminology found in today's video security industry, it does include many often used terms and many important digital technology terms used within this publication.


is a system or custom-defined event for a rule-based scenario, where the output can be a visual or non-visual alert or action. For example, a video loss detection (VLD) event is defined as the a result of a change in the status of the camera from connected to disconnected (or broken). Output could be an alert any of several forms, including visual, audio, email, or SMS, or could include an action, like locking the door covered by the camera.


Alarm Notification
is an event based customized message via a pre-recorded voice message, e-mail, pager, or other system service.

Camera View
is part of the Video Monitor that displays video from the camera. Each Camera View provides a built-in virtual processing for VMD, VLD, Digital Video Recording, Motion Mask, Archive Retrieval, etc.

Control Panel
is a visual component of the Video Monitor in order to control monitor mode and selected camera view in range:

  • Full Screen, Quad, 3x3 Split, 4x4 Split
  • Sequential camera view
  • Digital Zoom
  • Show Active Object in the scene
  • Show/Edit VMD mask(s);
  • Still image export to JPEG file or Video clip export to AVI file
  • Still Image Print
  • Start/Stop Video Recording
  • Arm/Disarm VMD
  • Video Archive Retrieval – Frame-by-Frame Forward or Reverse
  • Video Search
  • By Date & Time; rewind, play, stop, pause, forward; four levels playback   speed.


Video Search
By Date & Time; rewind, play, stop, pause, forward; four levels playback  speed

Frames Per Second (FPS)
is the rate of video recording and displaying, frames per second.

Hot” Mode

is a parameter of the video recording. It is the time-defined mode (in seconds) of high-performance video recording triggered by a system event. Each camera can support individual “Hot”-Mode value for higher  FPS upon alarm.


Intelligent Video Framework
is a range of distributed Intelligent Video Networks across TCP/IP data communication, Internet, Intranet, etc.

Intelligent Video Network
is one segment TCP/IP based communication network of VisisysVideo Nodes over types kind of media: UTP, FO, Wireless, Satellite, etc.

Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
The LCD is the preferred method of displaying Video information and the GUI.

is the time period (in seconds) of video recording after the end of the VMD.

is the period (in seconds) of video recording prior to a triggered system event.

is a term related to the virtual processor of a camera view or video channel. It can provide customized definition to the cameras within the System for displaying and recording speeds. In normal mode, each camera has the same level of Processing.

Time Schedule
is a custom-defined time stamp engine for system controls. Each system component or group can follow a time schedule and can change status accordingly. It acts as a command of the System clock in order to control target object or a group of objects.

Video Archive
is a system storage device to save recorded video/audio data in proprietary digital format for evidentiary purposes. The Video Archive capacity is determined by System Specification.

Video Node
is a Video Router, Video Server, Central Station, or other
Visisys Enterprise Class device.

Video Recording
is a process to store Digital Video from the Camera to an internal storage device using a proprietary video compression engine. The Video Recording mode of any camera is independent and can include one of the following:

1. Continuous recording based on Time Schedule or manual operation

2. Recording Based on VMD (it stores video data when motion is detected) or other System Event.

3. GAP based recording is a combination of the above two modes.

Video Lost Detection provides an alarm event when the video signal is lost (camera disconnected, camera malfunction, camera loses power, camera is masked or painted, etc). A VLD event can trigger voice and E-Mail notification sub-systems on a local or remote Video Node can send a control event (command message) to any other executive service within the Intelligent Video Framework according to a custom-defined control scenario.


Video Motion Detection is built-in function of event-driven and multi-thread Video sub-system. The Visisys VMD engine for each camera is independent and includes two custom-defined parameters:

Sensitivity of VMD or Movement & Size.

Contrast of the object in motion or differences of half tones between the object in motion and the background scene.

VMD can trigger Video Recording for corresponding camera, and send a control event (command message) to any executive service within the System according to a custom-defined rule, or scenario.