The Company Our Counsels Managment Team Advisory Board
Visisys Holding Plc (Visisys) is a multinational, private holding company organized under the laws of the United Kingdom and Wales with offices in New York, and London.
Visisys and its subsidiaries enjoy an international reputation for developing and marketing of intelligent video, monitoring and sensory systems. The company's main focus is the integration of proprietary and/or estimable devices with design and applied science to provide customized applications in a number of diverse fields , such as, security, medical, retail, hospitality and financial/clerical management .
The Global Team
Organized around a sophisticated global production system, Visisys draws on leading talent from around the world and allows professionals with a wide range of disciplines and skill sets to collaborate across time zones and national borders In addition to greatly enhancing problem solving capabilities, the system ensures on time delivery and cost efficiencies . It also allows the company to draw on local expertise when actualizing solutions in newly industrialized, emerging and developing nations.
New Venture Attorneys
5 Sierra Gate Plaza
Suite 330
Roseville, CA 95678
Attn: Tomer Tal, J.D., M.B.A.
Phone (916) 782-1424
Fax (916) 782-1474
Public Relations
R. Rouci Hay Creative Public Relations
143 West 81st Street
NYC, 10024
Telephone: 212-580-0835
Fax: 212-721-3813
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