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Biometric Detectors

Biometric Detectors Features & Functionality:

  • CCTV or IP based cameras (no special cameras required)
  • Real time monitoring & control in one network
  • Video recording locally and remotely with archive functionality
  • Multiple locations, cameras, integrated in one network, redundant architecture
  • Multiple alert notification: audio, V-dial, SMS, PDA, E-mail
  • Multiple user rights and access level
  • Remote monitoring and administration
  • Biometric Detectors:
    • Face Capture
    • License Plate Capture
    • Container number
    • Rail Wagon number
    • DOT number
    • Vessel registration number
    • Lost luggage
    • Directional moving
    • White paper
    • Camera loss connection
    • Tilt defocus
    • Focus Detector
    • Light Detector

 Video monitoring and recording are part of daily operations, but real time monitoring of multiple cameras at multiple locations is a serious challenge for unaided humans. ZeltaDetectors are biometric based video detectors build to reduce human errors, especially at sensitive installations like airports, seaports, border crossings and military locations. The platform can be based on inexpensive standard CCTV or IP based cameras and adds intelligent functionality to them, from simple alerts like camera “cut off” or “lost signal” alerts, to more sophisticated detectors that can alert security if someone is trying to cover or blind the camera with a light source. The system can also include detectors for actitivities like dropping bags in public areas, recognizing humans and identifying face, identifying license plates, container numbers, or vessels numbers. These detectors are designed to reduce human error and increase security efficiency and productivity, especially when managing complex systems with several hundred and sometimes several thousand cameras is one system.