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Central Station


The traditional design of CCTV systems involves multiple cameras and a monitoring center. The monitoring center provides video monitoring and control. Each camera has a cable connection with the monitoring center. There are commonly known problem related to cabling and signal amplifiers, video loss signal and electrical noise that do not allow traditional designs to be scaled up for large distributed video systems. Visisys uses a complete digital solution for implementing large distributed video solutions, with a range of computer based networked units that collect and deliver video, audio, and other data over digital communication channels.


The Visisys video monitoring center may have just one network cable in order to display hundred and thousand of cameras, control pan-tilt and zoom dome devices, and to monitor numerous sensors and other equipment. Multiple standard video cameras may be connected to Visisys video concentrator (Video Cup) that captures video signals and delivers compressed data into the digital video network. Visisys Video Cups do not require special maintenance and may work in an autonomous mode. Any required management of Video Cups belongs to the Visisys Cup Server that provides complete remote control and video monitoring. Multiple Video Cups may be connected in the “plug-and-play” network via a Visisys Video Switch.