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Noticias |  Face Concierge installed in Club for VIP treatment 11/19/08

Face Concierge installed in Club
for VIP treatment

Face Concierge installed in a high end Club for VIP Members.

The security system covers four (4) floors: the billiards, the bars, the offices, and the warehouse facilities.  Visisys also installed surveillance cameras outdoor, which provide full coverage of the building's entrances and its parking lot.

 The system automatically scans the face images of every person that passes the camera and stores them into the database. The module then authenticates the incoming images, compares those images with faces stored in the database, and provides correct recognition of the images received.

Visisys provides Club's with added values to their services, which are catered to their VIP customers.  The system allows them to identify their VIP customers, honorable members, and Billiard Club’s employee personnels, as compared to others in which the system is mainly used to identify individuals which are “black listed” or in the “wanted lists.”  These features allow Billiard Clue to maximize productivity and the efficiency level of security in the complex.

System specification:

  1. Video surveillance module: 35 channels of video; 3 video servers; frame rate - 6-8 fps; Archive storage - 10 days.

  2. Access control: 6 two-side card readers Poway PW-101 on NAC-51 controllers; timekeeping application for more then 100 employees; electromagnetic lock by schedule (free access to the building at working hours and by card at the rest of the time).

  3. Fire alarm module: Bolid security equipment; module which will automatically unblock electromagnetic lock in case of fire for emergency evacuation.

Billiard Club owners said: “The system has exceeded expectations and improved level of security as well as letting us create VIP treatment for the Club Preferred members”

For more information please contact:
212-760-7280 Tel
212-760-7284 Fax