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Sector de hostelería

Visisys retail offers loss prevention and security information for dealing with customer and employee theft, plus statistics, security data, and reports to reduce retail shrink problems, and increase efficiency in a store, restaurant, or bar.

Visisys creates intelligent retail video solutions by integrating event driven video with customized search and reporting with POS (point of sale) systems via analog or IP connections.

VisGallery and Visisys Face modules can be used in hospitality and hotel industry. Face recognition only requires a person to look at a camera. It's just like having a photo taken, something most people are comfortable with.

Unauthorized users automatically have their photo recorded. Other biometric systems, such as fingerprint scanners, may actually capture a record of an unauthorized attempt, but the fingerprint requires special training to decipher. An image of a face, however, can be readily interpreted by anybody.

Continuous monitoring - No other biometric system can provide an ongoing monitoring function.

Imagine you are walking into hotel lobby and the front desk or concierge has a profile on you, which room you like, what view, what kind of food your prefer, which whisky you drink and whether you prefer smoking or a non-smoking room. And this information can be made available to all parts of the hotel network, including the front desk, concierge, spa, fitness club, and hotel stores. If it is a multiple hotel chain, the information on faces can reside in a central database where faces are processed and recognition is done while the local systems are used only for face capture.


  1. Time Stamp Management - The system validates the time and date the person came in the door.
  2. Authorization – Card access, key, finger – Facial capture enable management to match the face of the person holding the access card, key, prints, etc. 
  3. Policy Management – restrictions and authorization given to authorized personnel.

    Example:  Cleaning people having only access to permitted premises.  The system can be integrated to hardware mechanism (doors, elevator, lights, etc.).
  4. Scanned faces forwarded to 3rd Party - for background checks for example
  5. Corporate employee verification for chain hotels. 
  6. Ability to send images via email, cell phone, or PDA 

Guest Services:
Vi Concierge at the front desk office or main or side entrances, shops, guest service stations, restaurants, bars, dining rooms, conference rooms, meeting rooms, fitness facility and spa.

  1. Create a gallery – who came in and what time they came in 
  2. Compare images to 3rd party databases – is this guest a scam artist or a VIP?
  3. Compare the image to an internal database
    a. Modify existing profile
    b. Compare internal profile
    c. Add profile
    d. Include additional information into their profile using Google
  4. Access restriction (VIP floors) 
  5. Pre-set room policy (example: pre-recording greetings, music, light, room temperature)
  6. Voice/email, PDA Alert to security, restaurant, concierge, driver, spa, bar and restaurant
  7. Security of guest identity – all locations of the hotel
  8. Voice – weather, news, game score, etc. 
  9. Compare to internal “suspicious persons list”
    a. Shoplifters
    b. Prostitutes
    c. Drug deals 
    d. Trouble makers
    e. Scam artists
  10. Integration with POS system or cash registers.


Face Concierge can be integrated with access control, elevators control, HVIC systems, light control, POS, ATM, so you can build the next generation of hospitality by implementing Face Capture and Facial Recognition technology.