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Biometrics is a concept that is affecting industries across the globe.  It is also playing an important role in the healthcare industry.  For the past few years, healthcare systems and hospitals have begun looking at whether or not biometrics can assist in improving the security of patient information and identifying individuals.

With the inherent risks in traditional identification, biometrics has become a preferred method of positive identification. Using biometrics for network log-on can eliminate the need for passwords or PINs (personal identification numbers) when accessing confidential patient information.

Time and attendance are just the beginning; there are many applications like accounting, registration, and medical records that could benefit from a solution for secure log-on to the hospital information system.  There has been a significant increase in the number of healthcare facilities using some method of biometrics. The savings are significant when it comes to the management of information systems and patient data.

The savings include having less down time and support required to manage complex information systems. Another benefit is that the system requires minimum training and is user-friendly and easy to learn for virtually any healthcare worker, from IT experts to medical personnel. The amount of individual training required is close to nothing and that there would be no need to outsource the servicing of a biometric system. There are no significant hassles that an IT team will have to deal with on an ongoing basis.

The technology will allow users to log on in a seamless fashion in an ultra protected environment by using a single sign-on function. Passwords are weak because people share them. Passwords can be used if preferred but biometrics has the potential to change the way a medical record and patient identification will appear in the long-term future.

Part of the beauty of its technology is that the system serves as a device lock-up tool once a user has logged on with his or her face and password.  It will protect against internal security breaches executed on devices shared between multiple workers, and allow those people to gain access to the machines they need to use with great flexibility.

Security experts have long predicted that personal identification technologies such as facial recognition software would someday replace passwords in the common business setting and that the availability of cheap, effective hardware, along with its software, is making such systems more practical today.

Rather than focus on linking physical and logical security, focus on linking patient safety and cost reduction through increased operational efficiency and convenience.


  • Security and safety in the hospital: Identification of doctors and specialists, nurses and nurse aids, interns, to janitorial and maintenance personnel
  • Employees’ entrance, emergency entrance, main or side entrance of the hospital will be well monitored for safety and efficiency
  • Proficient management of authorized personnel with access to drug storage or highly restricted areas
  • Operating room personnel restrictions will be better implemented and alerts can be immediately sent out to security and management.
  • Emergency Room personnel restrictions
  • Alert on ambulance approaching on other event driven alerts
  • Locating personnel (doctors, nurses) by face and providing the time and location the person was last seen by the security system