The age of medical robotics is fully upon us and one of the fastest areas of technology growth according to the Wall Street Journal and Investor's Business Daily. The US Army in Afghanistan and Iraq are deploying squads of robots not only to monitor and relay information about battlefield injuries but also to actually perform remote controlled surgical procedures known as tele-operations.
In hospitals, elderly care facilities or for medical or dental practices , V-Robot has the capacity to perform any number of diagnostic tests , patient monitoring or labor intensive routine chores. It can take initial interviews, process insurance forms and explain coverage issues. It can even entertain patients in waiting or day rooms.
Affordable photonic guidance systems allow the V-Robot to orient itself to the floor plan and all check points in a facility after an initial introductory tour. After that it can move safely and rapidly to voice or electronic commands, or it can follow any predetermined routine or schedule.
More critically, V-robot is always available to check on patients. It can take the patient's vital signs : temperature, blood pressure , etc. ; it can also monitor the room's vital signs : temperature , air composition, odor levels. And in the new intelligent hospital spaces it can interface and adjust conditions.
If a specialist is needed, V-Robot can scan data bases to locate the best available anywhere on earth, report vital signs, scan the patient in real time and assist in all phases of prognosis and treatment.